Winning the struggle to stop breastfeeding!

Finally, after all the crying and ton of pain for almost 3 months, we can do it!

I tried a loooot of ways to stop breastfeeding, but it was useless. He is 25 months years old now.
First, I tried to put melted coffee powder at areola (an areola, plural areolae (diminutive of Latin area, "open place") is any circular area such as the colored skin surrounding the nipple, source wikipedia)
That was not working. Another way, I put jamu (Jamu , formerly Djamu, is traditional medicine in Indonesia, source wikipedia). That was not working, either. Both coffee and jamu, he was wiped with his hand, and he could still breastfeeding and enjoy it.

Another day, we tried to give him formula milk, but he didn't like it. A deadlock.

I know I must find another way. I tried to remind him, to breastfeed only night, and when the day, he is not allowed to breastfeed. And, yes, I know he's not yet 2 years old child, but I'm sure he will understand what I said. I said it over and over again when I breastfeed him every night: You can breastfeed only at the night.
And hell yeah, he's crying and crying when he asked for breastfeed at day. I must consistent. If I surrender, my effort will meaningless.

However, my husband felt pity to see his son crying, and half-hearted to support me. We discussed about this all the time, but we couldn't find the way out.
This thing makes me stressing out. Yes, really. I cried sometimes and I felt I couldn't get my body back.

If you are breastfeeding, there is time when you feel you split your body into two. One for you and one for your son. You can't own your body fully, after you give birth. And sometimes it feels so tired. You can't sleep well, because you must breastfeeding your son. After 2 years? I think it can be frustrated.

It is the time, I can't take it anymore. It is almost 2 years, he must stop to breastfeed.

After a month, reminding Little Bee to stop breastfeeding at day, finally works. He's not ask to breastfeed again. Just only the night.

But, the big match is NOW.

One day, my husband came home after work and asked me: Is it true that breastfeeding children over two years was not good?

Yes, surely! It is time for him to explore the world and learn socialize with his friends! Not continue to rely on his mother!

Thanks God, my husband understood.
We made the deal, to help me in effort to stop breastfeeding.

And guess what?
Little Bee stopped breastfeeding just after 3 days we try! What a surprise!

At the beginning, I told Little Bee to stop breastfeeding, because he's a big boy now and the milk should be kept to his little sister (even there is no little sister right now, but later). If he wants drink, he must drink using glasses or through a pippette. Over and over again when he asked to breastfeed, I remind him.
We should ignore the request and strengthening hearts.

At the first night, yes, he still crying ask for breastfeeding. Day two and after, he just crying to ask to be carried.
Two days ago was my last feeding. I hurt bad at the beginning and it has gotten better every day since then. It really wasn't that bad.



  1. saya jg lg sounding2 nih mb ke nisa... masih lama sih, skrg baru 15bln... tp tahun depan rencana sy masuk kuliah nisa ke penitipan (rencana nisa 19 bln), ya klo bs sih nisa tidur siang di daycare ga pake nenen... hehe... jd sy bekelin susu uht aja (pengen perah asi tapi udh ga biasa lg jdnya susah... huhu). gimana baiknya ya mb... *laaah,, jadi curhat* :D

  2. @nisamamakarena aku sempat perah asi ampe umur Little Bee setahun wkt masih ngantor, aku saranin, yg terbaik buat nisa tetap ASI :)
    ayo mbaaak, coba konsultasi ama dokter, gimana caranya perah asi yang gampang...insya allah pasti aja jalannya ^__^

    *komennya aku pindahin yak!

  3. salam kenal mba :)
    mu nanya, jadi kalau nangis gitu didiemin aja yah?
    anak saya udah 24 bulan.. udah lama sounding tp blum praktek :D

  4. @Nathalia Diana Pitalokasalam kenal kembali :)
    Kasih pengertian kalo nangis, sambil tetap digendong atau dipeluk. Beliin tempat minum cantik yang pake sedotan, jadi kalau nangis minta mimik, kasih tempat minum itu. Semoga berhasil ya mbak! :)

  5. @Mayya jadi harus konsisten yah, slama ini saya ga tegaan :(
    sering kalau mau nenen saya alihin ke susu uht, eh susunya udah abis segelas trus nagih nenen lg :))
    makasih ya masukan2nya :)

  6. @Mayya jadi harus konsisten yah, slama ini saya ga tegaan :(
    sering kalau mau nenen saya alihin ke susu uht, eh susunya udah abis segelas trus nagih nenen lg :))
    makasih ya masukan2nya :)

  7. cuma 3 hari??? little bee hebat!!! ini mau seminggu may...
    *semangati diri buat konsisten*
    thanks may,

    1. Mbak pasti bisa! Kasih penggantinya, mbak. Aku kemarin beliin tempat minum lucu2 gitu yang pakai pipet, jadi kalau minta nyusu, aku sodorin itu :)


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