Romantic Dinner for Two
"Honey,what do you want for me to buy when I get home?", asked my hubby on phone. "Bring me mie aceh, dear. I hope this night that place is open, not like yesterday", I replied."Woah, you're really like mie aceh nowadays, do you? You're waiting until that place open...", he asked again. "He eh, just like I'm craving, do I?", I teased. "OK, honey, I'll bring it for you...". "Be careful, sweetheart...", I hang on the phone.
My sweetheart, do you know, I asked for mie aceh not because it is delicious, but EVERYTIME we eat it, we always eat it from one bowl, scrambling.
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My sweetheart, do you know, I asked for mie aceh not because it is delicious, but EVERYTIME we eat it, we always eat it from one bowl, scrambling.
It is a long time we don't do it, do we?
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cie.. ciee.. sepiring ber2.. eh semangkuk ber2.. How romantic!
Cuiit-cuiitt... Biar tetep romantis ;)
BalasHapusAku ma suami juga sering makan berdua dari piring yang sama, yah walaupun akhirnya aku suka protes karna biasanya aku kebagian cuma sedikit hehehehehe... :p
bikin laperr :(
BalasHapusso hungry to see a pic of mie aceh...
BalasHapushappy new year :)
@Covalimawati : Hayo, pengantin baru, praktekin juga yah hahaha
BalasHapus@Chita : Harus dirutinkan, biar makin cinta...Tsaaaaah....
@Si Galau: Mau? *bikinlebihgalau
@JejakShally: Slurrrrrp.... (^_^)b *biarmakinlaper
hihihi... so sweet... semangkuk mie aceh berdua..
BalasHapus*mie acehnya menggiurkan, enak ya Mba? ..
Hai dee! Mie aceh pasti enak banget dong *nahlohngilerkan???
BalasHapusMakasih ya udah mampir... ^^
Romantisnya.. Mie acehnya terlihat enak banget waaaa jadi lapar *kok malah jadi bahas makanannya* Bisa menikmati hal2 kecil kayak makan sepiring berdua ini ya yg bisa jd kunci kebahagiaan bareng suami. Kalo aku kdg2 jd ribut dikit akhirnya krn biasanya aku makannya lebih banyak dr suami kalo makan sepiring berdua, hihihi. *dasar kemaruk*
BalasHapusSalah satu program yang harus terus digalakkan ya kan Wu... ^^