Dreaming Wife
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I took a magazine on the table. Page by page I opened and read, until my eyes focused to one article about a model. Written there that she will keep reaching her dream and then she will got married.
For a moment, I was thinking, so how about me?
I stared at my hubby without realizing it. Then, I asked him, "Honey, some women said that she will reach her dream, then married. So, what about women that already married but not reach her dream yet?". Ah, that question just came out of nowhere. Married at young age is one of my dream and I'm happy found the right man at the right time. So, what about my other dreams? Does it mean if a woman get married, she's no longer could dream?
My hubby stared at me, and answered,"That depends on her man..."."What does it mean?", I asked again.
"There's two types of husband. Husband who support his wife to reach her dream, and husband who not.", he explained.
"So, which one are you?", I asked more.
"No, you tell me! You are my reflection, you tell me", he said.
"Now, go reach your dream and we'll see what kind of husband I am...", he added.
"Yeah, we'll see...", I smiled.
Again, I suprised with his answer.
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I bet your husband will give you 200% support :)
BalasHapusHonestly, aku tuh juga termasuk yang baru mendapatkan yang aku impikan setelah menikah, bisa belajar di negara lain, tinggal di negara yang lain lagi dan banyak hal lainnya. Apalagi kan menikah itu ibadah, biasanya malah banyak rejeki yang didapat setelah menikah. So, no need to worry Mayya ;)
Duh yang punya rumah baru, makan-makan!!
BalasHapusBener juga ya, say...mdh2an makin byk rejeki dan impianku kesampaian amin....
Doain si hubby luntur ama rayuan mautku, ngijinin ambil beasiswa abroad hihihi....
Aamiinn :)
BalasHapussemangat ya say... aku dukung 101%. Aku juga pengen bisa dpt beasiswa abroad.. smoga my hubby dukung aku jg.. hihihi..
BalasHapuseh iya.. ku mo bagi award buat km.. semoga berkenan menerimanya.. Ambil di sini ya..
tengkyuu.. ^_^
Makasih ya supportnya Cova...Ayo kita berjuang!
BalasHapusMakasih banyak juga utk awardnyaaaaa!!! Award pertamakuuuu ^^ *ngerjap2takpercaya
I believe your hubby will be so proud of you when you reach your dream! All the best. :)
BalasHapusThank you, Winnie! I need your support too! ^^
BalasHapusAwww.. terharu aku baca yg ini. Suami yg mendukung kita istri untuk mencapai cita2 itu bagi gue suami yg sangat baik. Mau kuliah lagi kah di LN ? Semoga cepet tercapai yaa !
BalasHapusThanks ya Wu...Kuliah dan travelling mimpiku selanjutnya...Mdh2an tercapai ya saaay!